Take Your Business to Higher Grounds

Big media investment agency service

Launch data tracking analysis

Advertising material creation service

Live video shooting service

Local market research services


Who are we???

Link2me, by virtue of its unique global leading big media data and business intelligence technology, provides enterprises with in-depth effect marketing and traffic coverage. Through accurate customer acquisition and Realization of multiple dimensions, link2me can comprehensively improve and rapidly occupy the overseas market


Why are we different


As a world leading advertising agency company, the source of Link2me’s premium offers all come from direct advertisers which can offer the most competitive payout for publishers.
Built for the needs of publishers, Link2me’s system can recommend offers and give effective feedback automatically, which enables timely optimization of promotion strategy and improvement of conversion rate.
By applying one-to-one VIP service, Link2me is able to make rapid synchronization of effective information as well as shortening billing and payment cycle efficiently. With the access to the highest-payout mobile advertising campaigns, MiraMedia provides more ways to boost your revenue.

Why Choose Link2me?

We can provide cooperation in CPI/CPA/CPS model for over 200 countries. In Japan, we have 3,000,000 DAU with over 100 developers and delivered AFK, Summons Board, Glee girls, Langrisser campaign etc. Link2me committed  to help customers achieve rapid business growth.

Let's Get Started!!

If you're ready to compete better , we're ready to join your team .


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